Chinese Cordyceps (cordyceps sinensis) can be ascribed both to flora
and to fauna. It dwells in China on the high-mountain Tsinuzan,
3500-4200 m above the sea level. Cordyceps is a two-unified organism - a
plant and an insect. The two forms of Cordyceps existence were
described in an ancient Chinese book "A new compilation of pharmacology"
(1757). But the history of Cordyceps application in China as means of
strengthening health and preventive measure against diseases has over
1200 years.
During winter Cordyceps lives under ground in the form of a cocoon which has germs-hairs-future organs of vegetable existence. With the coming of spring the hairs shoot out and Cordyceps starts its existence completely like a plant. In summer ascospore shoots itself out of the filial cyst. There grows a spore (or ascogoniade) which settles on a butterfly larva and starts its existence as a parasite. The infected larva buries itself in earth. In winter the spore turns into a bacterium and ruins little by little the internal organs of the larva but the horn capsule remains unaffected. Underground the Cordyceps larva winters not less than 2 years. It bears long starvation, permanent oxygen deficiency. It feeds on high mountain plant rhizomes including Plygonum, Astragalus and Ophiopogon. Its body is rich in specific biological components.
Thanks to its diverse structure Cordyceps in its literal meaning carries out cell "repairs", being a preventive and rehabilitation factor of the human body. It is tasty, easily assimilated, has no side effects and has no contra-indications.
Rehabilitation and preventive properties of Cordyceps
- restores kidney function, has a marked effect at kidney insufficiency, chronical kidney diseases, uremia and urino-genital system on the whole;
- is recommended under defects and diseases of the hemogenic system, e.g. at low hematochrome and lack of thrombocytes and leucocytes including radio-therapy and chemo-therapy with cancer patients;
- at cardiovascular system diseases: arrhythmia, heart diseases, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, high level of triglycerides;
- at insomnia, nervous exhaustion and chronical tiredness, at stresses;
- for prevention of premature aging;
- on acute and chronic hepatitis and tumors of various origin;
- is necessary for removal toxins and a number of radio-active substances thanks to its ability of stimulating kidney and liver function;
- for prevention of diseases of respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis;
- at diseases of brain, sclerosis of brain vessels, non malignant tumors of the brain;
- at hypertension, hypotension, some variety of anemia (an the background of low activity of hemogenic system);
- at metabolic diseases including diabetes and pancreatitis;
- at decrease of the body resistance to diseases: frequent diseases of the respiratory system and of the mouth cavity;
- at various fermental deficiency including allergy;
- exercises influence on endocrine glands and improves metabolism.
Cordyceps is used to strengthen the body and mind at a fundamental
level. It is said to be able to increase the "primary motive force for
life activities." Cordyceps is one of the primary herbal substances used
in tonic herbalism as an anti-aging agent and for the purposes of
Cordyceps replenishes Yin and Yang Jing, restoring the deep energy expended as a result of excessive exertion, adapting to stress or from aging. It is also a very powerful lung tonic, increasing respiratory capacity and efficiency. And, like other tonic mushrooms, Cordyceps is one of the most potent immune modulating agents known to mankind.
Who Can Use This Formula?
Because it contains both Yin and Yang it can be used by anyone safely and over a long period of time. A powerful and proven athlete's herb. Cordyceps is highly regarded in China as a tonic for those who are recovering from an illness or an operation, or after giving birth. In these cases, the Cordyceps helps the patient recover their physical power, to improve their appetite, and to protect the body from
Note: Cordyceps is
very widely used for the purposes of strengthening the primal Kidney
functions, which include sexual functions, brain power, structural
integrity and healing ability. It is a potent Yin Jing tonic, but it is
also a very powerful Yang tonic.
As a sexual tonic, Cordyceps is
considered to be one of the best. It is not as quick acting as the best
of the Yang tonics like Deer Antler, Epimedium and Sea Dragon, but it
has a profound long range strengthening capacity. It is commonly used
for impotence, sexual neurasthenia, frigidity and infertility.
Consistent use of Cordyceps helps to strengthen the physical structure, and specifically benefits the lower back region, the knees and ankles. It is used for backache due to injury, fatigue, stress or simple aging.
Cordyceps is also a major Lung tonic. It can be used to strengthen respiratory power in those who require extra energy in order to perform physical work (e.g. labor, sports or exercise) or it can be used by those who suffer from deficiency of Lung power. It is especially beneficial to those who suffer chronic Lung weakness with cough, wheezing or shortness of breath.
Cordyceps has always been used to fortify the defensive system of the body and large amounts of recent data indicate that Cordyceps is a very potent immune system potentiator. Researchers in Japan and China have isolated a number of polysaccharides in Cordyceps which strengthen the immune system, and at least one, CO-1, has been shown to have strong anti-tumor activity. Maintaining the immune system is one of the mechanisms that can slow down aging and prevent both degenerative and acquired diseases.
Other studies have shown that Cordyceps can have a benefit in the vascular system as well. Cordyceps improves the function of the micro-circulation and improves efficiency at the capillary level.
Cordyceps has been shown to help regulate blood pressure and to strengthen heart muscle.Cordyceps is one of the absolute superstars of the Chinese tonic herbal system. It is an extremely effective and powerful life enhancing agent, ranking right up there with Ginseng,
Ganoderma and Deer Antler. Because it is rare, potent and highly
treasured, like Deer Antler, it is very expensive. It is the main
ingredient in a number of expensive elixirs and tonic formulations.
Many studies now indicate that Cordyceps can help the body resist a wide
range of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Cordyceps is used in
Asia to help treat fungus and yeast infections, and intensive research
is being conducted at dozens of institutions in China and Japan relating
to the potential of Cordyceps to treat cancer and HIV infection.
Cordyceps is considered in Asia to be a robust and virtually miraculous
athlete’s tonic. Cordyceps has attained even greater fame in the last
few years since the quintessentially successful track coach, Ma Jia Jun,
created a secret formula, based on Cordyceps and Tortoise Shell, which
he gave to his China National Women’s track team. Subsequent to their
taking this formula, which was made with
Cordyceps as the dominant
ingredient, the women of this team came to dominate the world track
scene for more than two years. The members of the team broke many world
records, most of which they still hold.During their reign, they were
accused of taking steroids or other illegal drugs, since their rise to
dominance was so quick. But all drug testing proved negative. No trace
of any illegal substances has been detected in their blood.
of Ma’s track women were ever found to be consuming anything other than
his secret Chinese tonic herbal formula. Due to a number of reasons,
mostly associated with personality conflicts between Ma and his track
stars (he refused to let them grow their hair, to keep much of their
prize money or to keep the luxury cars they won as prizes on DXN
CORDYCEPS mushroom
Chinese Cordyceps
(cordyceps sinensis) can be ascribed both to flora and to fauna. It
dwells in China on the high-mountain Tsinuzan, 3500-4200 m above the sea
level. Cordyceps is a two-unified organism - a plant and an insect. The
two forms of Cordyceps existence were described in an ancient Chinese
book "A new compilation
of pharmacology" (1757). But the history of
Cordyceps application in China as means of strengthening health and
preventive measure against diseases has over 1200 years.
winter Cordyceps lives under ground in the form of a cocoon which has
germs-hairs-future organs of vegetable existence. With the coming of
spring the hairs shoot out and Cordyceps starts its existence completely
like a plant. In summer ascospore shoots itself out of the filial cyst.
There grows a spore (or ascogoniade) which settles on a butterfly larva
and starts its existence as a parasite. The infected larva buries
itself in earth. In winter the spore turns into a bacterium and ruins
little by little the internal organs of the larva but the horn capsule
remains unaffected. Underground the Cordyceps larva winters not less
than 2 years. It bears long starvation, permanent oxygen deficiency. It
feeds on high mountain plant rhizomes including Plygonum, Astragalus and
Ophiopogon. Its body is rich in specific biological components.
Thanks to its diverse structure Cordyceps in its literal meaning carries
out cell "repairs", being a preventive and rehabilitation factor of the
human body. It is tasty, easily assimilated, has no side effects and
has no contra-indications.
Rehabilitation and preventive properties of Cordyceps
- restores kidney function, has a marked effect at kidney
insufficiency, chronical kidney diseases, uremia and urino-genital
system on the whole;
- is recommended under defects and diseases of
the hemogenic system, e.g. at low hematochrome and lack of thrombocytes
and leucocytes including radio-therapy and chemo-therapy with cancer
- at cardiovascular system diseases: arrhythmia, heart diseases, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, high level of triglycerides;
- at insomnia, nervous exhaustion and chronical tiredness, at stresses;
- for prevention of premature aging;
- on acute and chronic hepatitis and tumors of various origin;
- is necessary for removal toxins and a number of radio-active
substances thanks to its ability of stimulating kidney and liver
- for prevention of diseases of respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis;
- at diseases of brain, sclerosis of brain vessels, non malignant tumors of the brain;
- at hypertension, hypotension, some variety of anemia (an the background of low activity of hemogenic system);
- at metabolic diseases including diabetes and pancreatitis;
- at decrease of the body resistance to diseases: frequent diseases of the respiratory system and of the mouth cavity;
- at various fermental deficiency including allergy;
- exercises influence on endocrine glands and improves metabolism.
Cordyceps is used to strengthen the body and mind at a fundamental
level. It is said to be able to increase the "primary motive force for
life activities." Cordyceps is one of the primary herbal substances used
in tonic herbalism as an anti-aging agent and for the purposes of
Cordyceps replenishes Yin and Yang Jing, restoring the
deep energy expended as a result of excessive exertion, adapting to
stress or from aging. It is also a very powerful lung tonic, increasing
respiratory capacity and efficiency. And, like other tonic mushrooms,
Cordyceps is one of the most potent immune modulating agents known to
Who Can Use This Formula?
Because it contains both Yin
and Yang it can be used by anyone safely and over a long period of time.
A powerful and proven athlete's herb. Cordyceps is highly regarded in
China as a tonic for those who are recovering from an illness or an
operation, or after giving birth. In these cases, the Cordyceps helps
the patient recover their physical power, to improve their appetite, and
to protect the body from infection.
Typical Usage
2 or 3 tablets, 2 or 3 times per day
Cordyceps is very widely used for the purposes of strengthening the
primal Kidney functions, which include sexual functions, brain power,
structural integrity and healing ability. It is a potent Yin Jing tonic,
but it is also a very powerful Yang tonic.
As a sexual tonic,
Cordyceps is considered to be one of the best. It is not as quick acting
as the best of the Yang tonics like Deer Antler, Epimedium and Sea
Dragon, but it has a profound long range strengthening capacity. It is
commonly used for impotence, sexual neurasthenia, frigidity and
Consistent use of Cordyceps helps to strengthen the
physical structure, and specifically benefits the lower back region, the
knees and ankles. It is used for backache due to injury, fatigue,
stress or simple aging.
Cordyceps is also a major Lung tonic. It can
be used to strengthen respiratory power in those who require extra
energy in order to perform physical work (e.g. labor, sports or
exercise) or it can be used by those who suffer from deficiency of Lung
power. It is especially beneficial to those who suffer chronic Lung
weakness with cough, wheezing or shortness of breath.
Cordyceps has
always been used to fortify the defensive system of the body and large
amounts of recent data indicate that Cordyceps is a very potent immune
system potentiator. Researchers in Japan and China have isolated a
number of polysaccharides in Cordyceps which strengthen the immune
system, and at least one, CO-1, has been shown to have strong anti-tumor
activity. Maintaining the immune system is one of the mechanisms that
can slow down aging and prevent both degenerative and acquired diseases.
Other studies have shown that Cordyceps can have a benefit in the
vascular system as well. Cordyceps improves the function of the
micro-circulation and improves efficiency at the capillary level.
Cordyceps has been shown to help regulate blood pressure and to
strengthen heart muscle.Cordyceps is one of the absolute superstars of
the Chinese tonic herbal system. It is an extremely effective and
powerful life enhancing agent, ranking right up there with Ginseng,
Ganoderma and Deer Antler. Because it is rare, potent and highly
treasured, like Deer Antler, it is very expensive. It is the main
ingredient in a number of expensive elixirs and tonic formulations.
Many studies now indicate that Cordyceps can help the body resist a wide
range of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Cordyceps is used in
Asia to help treat fungus and yeast infections, and intensive research
is being conducted at dozens of institutions in China and Japan relating
to the potential of Cordyceps to treat cancer and HIV infection.
Cordyceps is considered in Asia to be a robust and virtually miraculous
athlete’s tonic. Cordyceps has attained even greater fame in the last
few years since the quintessentially successful track coach, Ma Jia Jun,
created a secret formula, based on Cordyceps and Tortoise Shell, which
he gave to his China National Women’s track team. Subsequent to their
taking this formula, which was made with Cordyceps as the dominant
ingredient, the women of this team came to dominate the world track
scene for more than two years. The members of the team broke many world
records, most of which they still hold.During their reign, they were
accused of taking steroids or other illegal drugs, since their rise to
dominance was so quick. But all drug testing proved negative. No trace
of any illegal substances has been detected in their blood.
None of
Ma’s track women were ever found to be consuming anything other than his
secret Chinese tonic herbal formula. Due to a number of reasons, mostly
associated with personality conflicts between Ma and his track stars
(he refused to let them grow their hair, to keep much of their prize
money or to keep the luxury cars they won as prizes on the world track
circuit, for example), virtually all the women refused to stay in Ma’s
camp and they all went independent.
No longer having access to his
secret Cordyceps recipe, all of the stars have lost their dominating
athlete prowess. In 1995, a year after leaving Ma, only one of the
former superstars qualified for the National Team which represented
China at the World Championships.Ma’s recipe is still secret (though we
know it), although the whole world knows of its existence. We only know
that the two dominant ingredients are Cordyceps and Tortoise Shell, a
major Yin Jing tonic.
Cordyceps is highly regarded in China as a tonic for those who are recovering from an illness or an operation, or after giving birth. In these cases, the Cordyceps helps the patient recover their physical power, to improve their appetite, and to protect the body from infection. When blended with other tonics such as Ginseng, Ganoderma, Lycium or Astragalus, Cordyceps’ power is just increased as the synergy of the various herbs results in an even more powerful tonic.
In the last several years, it has become possible to grow a number of
fungi by "fermentation" technology. The fungus is literally grown in
large tanks, and in just a matter of days a large quantity can be
produced. The technology has now become highly advanced and is making
previously rare herbs like Cordyceps and Ganoderma much more accessible.
Many studies indicate that the chemical nature of this biotechnology
Cordyceps is almost identical to that of the wild variety and
pharmacological and clinical studies seem to confirm this.The new
biotechnological approach to growing Cordyceps possesses two truly great
advantages. The greatest advantage of the new technology is that the
herbal substance, in this case Cordyceps, can be highly controlled by
scientific means during its growth and "standardized" so that every
batch is virtually identical---and in a sense, "perfect." This is very
important in pharmaceutical terms because without standardization, it is
difficult or impossible to develop drug-type standards for substances
like Cordyceps. Once an herb can be standardized, all kinds of studies
can be conducted that will be accepted by the scientific community,
including our FDA.Fermentation technology makes this substance available
to anybody who wants it, and this is great news for the world.
Until now, few people have even heard of Cordyceps because of its
rarity. In the next decade, as a result of the new fermentation
technology, Cordyceps will become known throughout the world.
is one more advantage, at least by some people’s standard, to the new
fermentation Cordyceps. The fungus is grown without the use of animal
nutrients and the result is a 100% pure "vegetarian" health product.
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